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Title The seventh voyage / Stanislaw Lem ; adapted by Jon J Muth ; translated by MIchael Kandel.
Author Muth, Jon J., adapter, illustrator.


Ubicación Signatura Estado
 Avon Free Public Library - Storage (no holds, suppressed)  J GRAPHIC LEM  Revise El Estante
 Cheshire Public Library - YA  YA GN SEVENTH VOYAGE  Revise El Estante
 East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department  GRAPHIC J MUTH  Revise El Estante
 Granby, Main Library - Teen  TEEN GNL MUTH  Revise El Estante
 Mansfield, Main Library - Teen Graphic Novels  TEEN GRAPHX MUTH  Revise El Estante
 Southington Library - Teen  YA Graphic Novel LEM  En El Procesamiento


Publicación New York, NY : Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2019.